"Attack on Titan" is a Japanese cartoon and also published in comic books all over the world.The dig...
"Attack on Titan" is a Japanese cartoon and also published in comic books all over the world.The digital contents such as a battery widget, clock widget, search widget and live wallpapers will make your smartphone so entertaining!Many characters in Attack on Titan have come into widgets and they'll tell you the battery life of your smartphone!Within the widget, there're a variety of functionalities built in that make your device very efficient to use!
/Battery lifeThe characters in Attack on Titan inform you how much battery you have left in your smartphone.
/Sound controlyou can make adjustments to any sound pertaining to functions in your device.That includes a ringtone, notification, alarm and so on.Music that you like can be also applied for your preference instead of default sounds.
/Brightness controlYou can make adjustments to brightness and color for your device.When controlling brightness in your device depending on a situation, you can save the battery life.The Attack on Titan widget also controls screen rotation for your smartphone.
/Network controlIt controls any type of network systems such as Wifi, Bluetooth, automatic synchronizing, GPS, and so on.One tap on a screen makes either all networks on or off and this is a very convenient function in this Attack on Titan widget.
/Download Apps controlIf there're so many Apps downloaded in your smartphone, they all are visualized in a list screen at a time.You should have only necessary Apps in your device so that you can save the battery life.
/Radio recoveryThere's the function with the Attack on Titan widget that can find the right radio waves for the Internet.
/Task killerTask killer function deletes unnecessary Apps or systems in your device that might deplete the battery life, thus keeping your smartphone work longer than it might have been.
/Live wallpapersThere're a variety of wallpapers you can take within the App.It's also very easy to set the wallpapers on your home screen and you can cheese wallpapers at any time in your preference.Having Attack on Titan wallpaper on your screens should be so cool for sure!
/Status barThere's a choice to set a status bar, which notifies you the current battery life of your device.You can start up the App out of this status bar as well and this is so time-efficient!
/Games recommendedThere's a review section that you get information about games we recommend so that you won't miss updated information about them.
/CalculatorCalculator is the one that you use often in your daily life and this is also within the App so there's no worries that you can't find calculator function when needed.
/AlarmThere's an alarm function within the App and you can set up the alarm for wake-up calls.
■To set the widgetTo set the widget on your home screen, either tap an empty space on your home screen or from the menu list.
The Attack on Titan App is not only so cute looking, but also very functional!A task killer is one of the functions that makes your smartphone very efficient to work as it finds out any unnecessary tasks or Apps to shut down.
Attack on Titan is so popular in Tokyo, Japan and it features for smartphone wallpapers, icons, and widgets!
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■ProviderNOS Inc.Kodansha / "Attack on Titan" Production Committee